[Arcade] Megaman
It’s Megaman week!
- Panic Shot! Rockman
- Mega Man: The Power Battle
- Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
- Medal Network Rockman.EXE
- Rockman EXE: The Medal Operation
- Rockman EXE Battle Chip Stadium
Half classic Megaman, Half EXE Rockman. The classic versions are the only ones currently available online in rom format, while theses been a few updates for others
- https://www.therockmanexezone.com/general/2024/04/01/lost-arcade-game-medal-network-rockman-exe-dumped-and-preserved/
- https://www.therockmanexezone.com/general/2023/12/07/rockman-exe-battle-chip-stadium-and-the-medal-operation-arcade-games-dumped/
So looks like for now, no virus busting for me, classic it is!
For arcade game updates on/for specific platforms.